Water Stewardship

Performance Against Goal

Performance Summary 2023

Net water consumption

Total Water Withdrawal by Source

Net water consumption Intensity per Revenue Unit

Amount of Treated Wastewater

Remark: The amount of treated wastewater was measured according to the law and its scope was limited to CPRAM Co., Ltd.

Quality of Treated Wastewater

Chemical Oxygen Demand: COD

Biochemical Oxygen Demand: BOD

Total dissolved solids: TDS

Total Suspended Solid: TSS

Remark: The amount of treated wastewater was measured according to the law and its scope was limited to CPRAM Co., Ltd.

Proportion of Water Withdrawal from the Company’s Operation Sites with Water Stress

Sustainable Water Resources Management

The Company efficiently manages water resources to reduce risks and impacts from water scarcity. Additionally, the Company promotes the ecosystem existence and systematically monitors the water management risks of suppliers. This includes tracking the sources and quantities of agricultural products from Critical Tier 1 suppliers located in water stressed areas, among others.

Risks and Opportunities

Climate change is increasingly affecting global water availability, leading to more frequent and severe droughts, floods, saltwater intrusion, and water scarcity in many regions. Efficient water conservation to address changing climate patterns is a critical management issue to ensure the efficient use and equitable distribution of this precious resource.

CP ALL recognizes the importance of effective water management. Water is a fundamental resource essential for both business operations and human life. A lack of effective water management can not only impact operations and disrupt the supply chain but also damage the company’s reputation and pose risks of violating human rights to water and sanitation. Conflicts between the company and surrounding communities may arise as a result.

Management Approach

To achieve sustainable water management and minimize environmental impacts from our operations, CP All has established environmental policies and water stewardship practices. These ensure our business operations balance water usage with the needs of communities and nature. We have set an ambitious long-term target to reduce water consumption per revenue by 20% by 2030 compared to the 2020 baseline. Additionally, we assess water-related risks and opportunities, develop plans to mitigate water scarcity, and implement measures to improve water efficiency and conservation. We promote effective water management throughout our organization, support the adoption of water recycling technologies, and raise awareness among employees and stakeholders about water conservation through training, knowledge sharing, and campaigns. We also collaborate with communities and stakeholders to address water-related challenges at the national level and disclose our water performance annually in our sustainability reports.

Sustainable Water Use Assessment

CP ALL continuously collects, monitors, reviews, and analyzes data on water consumption and quality across all operational areas, including manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, 7-Eleven stores, Makro and Lotus sales centers, and offices. Assessments are conducted quarterly using three primary methods: 1) For manufacturing, and distribution facilities, water risk assessments are conducted according to ISO 14001:2015 standards. In 2023, CP Ram’s facilities in Ladlumkaew, Boen, Ladkrabang, Chonburi, Surat Thani, Khon Kaen, and Lamphun were ISO 14001:2015 certified. 2) For facilities located in industrial estates, wastewater treatment and water efficiency are assessed by the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) or independent third-party auditors according to international standards such as ISO 14001:2015, industry-specific standards, and estate-specific standards. 3) For sales centers and offices not located in industrial estates, our central greenhouse gas management unit assesses water management practices to identify opportunities for improvement and reduce impacts on water resources and ecosystems.

Water Consumption in 2023

  Unit FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Target for  FY 2023
A. Water withdrawal (excluding saltwater) Million cubic meters 16.68 15.86 18.79 21.00  
B. Water discharge (excluding saltwater) Million cubic meters 8.89 10.42 12.03 13.56  
Total net fresh water consumption (A-B) Million cubic meters 7.79 5.44 6.76 7.44 7.00 
Data coverage percentage  of: Revenue 95.46 95.52 100 100  

Exposure of Suppliers to Water Risks

Additionally, the company conducts annual water stress risk assessments for all its operational areas and those of its Critical Tier 1 suppliers. These assessments identify risks associated with water scarcity, water overconsumption, and declining water quality. To accurately pinpoint operational areas located in water-stressed regions, the company utilizes the open-source Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI). By inputting location data into the tool, CP ALL can precisely identify water stress areas, providing critical data for planning and decision-making. This information is used to develop mitigation measures and Business Continuity Plans (BCP) to prepare for unforeseen events. Furthermore, the assessments allow the company to quantify the overall impact of water risks on its operations.

In 2023, the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas assessment revealed that 39.62% of the company’s operational areas are located in extremely high water stress regions, while 29.57% of its Critical Tier 1 suppliers’ operational areas fall into the same category.

Proportion of Water Withdrawal from the Company’s Operation Sites with Water Stress

Proportion of Water Withdrawal from Critical Tier1 Supplier’s Operation Sites with Water Stress

Additionally, CP ALL continuously monitors and assesses the water stress situation of its Critical Tier 1 suppliers to prevent and mitigate supply chain disruptions. This is achieved through regular water stress risk assessments of agricultural sourcing areas for key agricultural products such as cattle product, maize, palm oil, rice, soybeans, sugar, tobacco, and cotton. By inputting the locations of Critical Tier 1 suppliers’ production facilities into the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, the company can identify high-risk areas for water stress among its suppliers.

definitions of water-stressed areas as follows:
Extremely High (>80%) Risk areas, as mapped by WRI’s Aqueduct Global Water Tool

In 2023,The analysis revealed that 22 Critical Tier 1 suppliers, primarily involved in cattle product, rice, soybeans, and sugar, were located in extremely high water-stress areas. The primary sourcing regions for these products were Nakhon Pathom, Saraburi, Nakhon Sawan, Lopburi, Prachin Buri and Pathum Thani provinces. In the previous fiscal year, the total cost of goods purchased from suppliers located in water-stressed areas accounted for 27.24% of the overall agricultural product cost.

Risk Assessment Summary

% of sourced agricultural commodities originating from water-stressed areas (e.g.<1700 m3/(person*year) or high, very high and servere)(mandatory)
Cattle products
Palm Oil
% of Cost of goods perchased in last FY (if applicable)

Supplier Water Risk Management

CP ALL has collaborated with its Critical Tier 1 suppliers located in water-stressed areas, as well as relevant government agencies and communities, to develop plans to mitigate risks related to water quantity and quality, regulatory changes or pricing structures, and stakeholder conflicts. These initiatives have been implemented through the following measures:

1. Risks related to the quantity and quality of water

To mitigate risks related to water quantity and quality, CP All has implemented the following measures:

  • Self-Assessment: CP ALL has monitored and assessed the risks and risk management measures of its Critical Tier 1 suppliers located in water-stressed areas by developing and distributing a water self-assessment to these suppliers. The self-assessment evaluates the source of water used and measures to mitigate risks related to water quantity and quality through sustainable sourcing projects
  • Collaboration and Capacity Building: CP ALL, in collaboration with Critical Tier 1 suppliers located in water-stressed areas and relevant government agencies, has promoted sustainable water management and raised awareness of the importance of water efficiency. This includes providing training to farmers, supporting the use of water-saving technologies, water recycling, and process improvements to reduce water consumption
  • Good Agricultural Practices (GAP): CP ALL promotes the adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) to ensure traceability and sustainability in agricultural production

2. Risks related to regulatory changes or changes in pricing structures

To mitigate the risk of regulatory changes or price structure changes that could affect production costs, profits, and the competitiveness of both CP All and its partners that may arise from commodities provided by Critical Tier 1 suppliers in water-stressed areas, the following measures have been implemented:

  • Regulatory Monitoring: The legal department closely monitors changes in laws, regulations, and policies related to the business. In case of changes that may impact the company or its partners, the legal department will inform the procurement department to communicate and work with partners to prepare contingency plans. Additionally, partners are encouraged to develop production processes and consider alternative sources of raw materials to reduce reliance on products provided by Critical Tier 1 suppliers operating in water-stressed areas and reduce reliance on single source
  • Industry Engagement: CP All collaborates with associations, builds networks, and fosters relationships with government agencies, private sector organizations, and experts to share information and ideas aimed at mitigating impacts associated with raw materials sourced from Critical Tier 1 suppliers in water-stressed areas

3. Risks related to stakeholder conflicts

To mitigate risks related to stakeholder conflicts, CP ALL has implemented the following measures:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: CP ALL provides channels for receiving feedback and suggestions from communities near Critical Tier 1 suppliers’ operations in water-stressed areas and its operations where conflicts may arise. The company continuously communicates the water situation and mitigation plans to all stakeholders
  • Collaborative Water Risk Mitigation: CP ALL collaborates with partners to mitigate water risks in a lawful, efficient, and suitable manner. Water risk mitigation plans are developed in conjunction with relevant agencies and communities
  • Supplier Grievance Monitoring: CP ALL tracks and records supplier grievances as part of its annual factory audits and supplier assessments. If grievances are found, corrective actions are required before future transactions. The procurement and quality assurance departments are responsible for following up on these corrective actions

Raising Awareness and Campaigning for employee

CP ALL is conducting a comprehensive communication campaign to raise awareness among all employees at every level, including operational, distribution, and office staff, about the importance of water efficiency. To encourage employees to be mindful of water conservation and actively participate in preserving water resources, the company is promoting the 7S campaign, with a 2023 focus on “S for Environment,” emphasizing the conservation of natural resources through the 3R principle. Employees are encouraged to utilize resources efficiently and effectively by reducing energy and water consumption.

The campaign aims to raise awareness and foster behavioral changes among employees at all levels. Not only does it help reduce organizational costs, but it also demonstrates our commitment to social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Additionally, it contributes to a positive corporate culture and improved workplace efficiency.

Water Conservation Program

The Company adopts sustainable water management practices for continuous business operations, such as efficient water management and the recycling of wastewater for reuse. These practices help reduce wastewater discharge into public and natural water sources through various projects, as follows:

The project to reuse wastewater from air conditioning units, Suvarnabhumi Distribution Center

The project involves installing a wastewater collection tank from air conditioning units in the cafeteria area to recycle wastewater for beneficial purposes such as watering plants. This can save water usage by more than 36 cubic meters per year

Impacts and Benefits

36  m3 per year

Save water usage by more than

The Project to Reuse Treated Wastewater for Watering Plants, Bang Bua Thong Distribution Center and Buriram Distribution Center

The project involves utilizing treated wastewater that meets standards for various purposes, such as using it in an automated sprinkler system for watering plants within the distribution center.

Impacts and Benefits

150  m3 per day

Reduce groundwater usage by

Water Efficiency Enhancement Project, CPRAM Company Limited, Lat Lum Kaeo Factory

The project involves utilizing natural high-temperature groundwater for cleaning equipment used in the manufacturing process to reduce electricity usage for water heating. Additionally, treat water from the manufacturing process to a higher quality than standard wastewater that is legally require, allowing it to be reused effectively. For instance, it can be used as raw water in the cooling tower system, for watering plants, and for cleaning floor areas.

Impacts and Benefits

1090902  m3

Reduces tap water usage in the manufacturing process

346880  kWh per year

Decreases electricity consumption in the system

674835  m3

Enables the reuse of wastewater

The Project in Using Treated Water from a Pond for Flushing Toilets, Urinals, and Watering Plants. Panyapiwat Institute of Management EEC Campus, SKY BRIGHT CENTER, Cafeteria, MEP building

This project involves utilizing treated water from the pond for various purposes such as flushing toilets, urinals, and watering plants.

Impacts and Benefits

8.6  m3 per day

Reduce tap water usage by

Save Water, Love the Future Project by CP Axtra Public Company Limited

The installation of wastewater treatment systems to reuse wastewater for watering plants through automated systems within the distribution center has successfully assisted the “Rak Nam, Love the Future” project continuation since 2O18 through groundwater usage reduction and cost savings.

Impacts and Benefits

72  branch

Total of distribution centers participated in the project

93960-104000  m3 per year

Reducing tap water usage accumulated

Clean Water for Farmer Project, CPRAM Company Limited, Lamphun Factory

The Company has requested permission to discharge treated wastewater from the factory’s production process according to the wastewater standard from the Ministry of Industry Announcement, as announced by the Ministry of Industry, to farmers in nearby rice fields. This allows farmers in the vicinity to use water for rice cultivation and off-season rice cultivation. Moreover.

Impacts and Benefits

100000  m3 per year

Reduce the extraction of water from community water sources by more than

120500  Baht per person per year

Increase income for farmers by over

Underground Water Bank Project, CP Axtra Public Company Limited

The Company treats and stores treated water for essential use and redirects excess water to allocated areas. This is to reduce water usage and benefit cultivation. This project can mitigate the impact of water scarcity conditions and foster good community relations. The Company plans to expand this pilot project to other branches in the future.

Impacts and Benefits

36  m3 per day

Treated water volume exceeded

16  m3 per day

Excess water infiltrated underground at a rate of over

720  Baht per year

Resulting in cost savings of over

720  hours per year

Reducing labor hours for irrigation

Other Information

Performance Data of Water Stewardship

GRI Standared Required Data Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022
303-3 (a) Total water withdrawal Million m3 9.35 16.68 15.86 18.79
  - Groundwater Million m3 1.35 1.48 1.39 1.40
  - Third-Party Water Million m3 8.00 15.20 14.47 17.39
    - Surface municipal water Million m3 N/A 15.06 14.26 17.23
    - Groundwater municipal water Million m3 N/A 0.14 0.21 0.16
303-3 (b) Total water withdrawal from water stress area Million m3 3.67 4.87 4.58 8.52
  - Groundwater Million m3 1.29 1.32 1.23 1.27
  - Third-Party Water Million m3 2.38 3.55 3.35 7.24
    - Surface municipal water Million m3 N/A 3.48 3.23 7.14
    - Groundwater municipal water Million m3 N/A 0.07 0.12 0.10
303-3 (b) Total freshwater withdrawal Million m3 9.34 16.66 15.83 18.79
  - Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids) Million m3 9.35 16.66 15.83 18.79
  - Reused and recycled water Million m3 0.51 0.75 0.41 0.39
  Water withdrawal intensity per revenue unit Million m3 per million Baht 16.38 30.52 27.00 22.04
303-4 (b) 2018 Treated wastewater (TDS ≤1,000 mg/L) Million m3 N/A N/A 10.42 11.41
  - COD mg/L N/A N/A 5.83 0.57
kg N/A N/A 60,793.06 6,546.79
  - BOD mg/L N/A N/A 2.17 0.03
kg N/A N/A 22,578.32 356.91
  - Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/L N/A N/A 16.24 7.62
kg N/A N/A 169,224.54 86,887.51
303-4 (b) 2018 Treated wastewater (TDS> 1,000 mg/L) Million m3 N/A N/A N/A 11,569.00
  - COD mg/L N/A N/A N/A 0
kg N/A N/A N/A 0
  - BOD mg/L N/A N/A N/A 0
kg N/A N/A N/A 0
  - Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/L N/A N/A N/A 0
kg N/A N/A N/A 0
303-4 (b) 2018 Treated wastewater send 3rd party (TDS≤ 1,000 mg/L) Million m3 N/A N/A N/A 0.25
  - COD mg/L N/A N/A N/A 50.76
kg N/A N/A N/A 12,622.52
  - BOD mg/L N/A N/A N/A 10.13
kg N/A N/A N/A 2,519.93
  - Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/L N/A N/A N/A 577.20
kg N/A N/A N/A 143,541.21
303-4 (b) 2018 Treated wastewater send 3rd party (TDS> 1,000 mg/L) Million m3 N/A N/A N/A 0.36
  - COD mg/L N/A N/A N/A 422.85
kg N/A N/A N/A 153,905.29
  - BOD mg/L N/A N/A N/A 42.12
kg N/A N/A N/A 15,330.82
  - Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/L N/A N/A N/A 1,211.08
kg N/A N/A N/A 440,835.69

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