Social Impact and Economic Contribution

Key Performance in 2023
SMEs received vocational skills development enabling increased income
197862 personswithin the supply chain received vocational skills development enabling increased income
13154 farmersVulnerable groups received vocational skills development enabling increased income
9691 personsEmployment of local workers (Only employees who operate in the 7-Eleven store)
65528 persons 79.40%)Employed elders
1995 personsValue of products purchased from the Local product
18830 million BahtAwarded to youth and underprivileged
65528 scholarships 1394 million BahtCommunities and civil society organizations have received assistance in disaster relief, such as natural disasters, and contagious diseases prevention and control
35869 individualsCP ALL received the Outstanding Disability Support Organization award for 2O23 from the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS)
CPRAM received the Honorary Awards in CSR-DIW to COVID-19 Relief and the CSR-DIW Continuous for promoting industrial factories' social responsibility and community responsibility. This aims to achieve economic and social recovery (CSR-DIW to COVID-19 Relief). And the project aims to promote industrial factories to have sustainable social and community responsibility (CSR–DIW Continuous)
Key Progress in 2023

Established 7 SME Support Center as a consultation service provider offering knowledge encompassing capacity building, product development, manufacturing processes, distribution channel opportunities and stable growth in the Modern Trade market

Implemented collaboration projects with partner networks to promote and develop the capability of SMEs, community business entrepreneurs, and farmers, such as the Department of Industrial Promotion (DIP), Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thai Trade Association, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, and local government agencies

Implemented community market projects to support both internal and external sales channels of the Company, such as the ALL SME MARKET PLACE project by CP ALL, Makro's community market project, and Lotus's freelance market project

ALL Food Tech Testing Center assists entrepreneurs in reducing expenses by testing various product lines to enable them to develop a variety of products efficiently and sustainably

Significantly Affected Key Stakeholders

Supporting the SDGs

SDG 1 End Poverty Everywhere
1.2 Reduce the proportion of men, women, and children of all ages under poverty in all dimensions
1.3 Implementation of appropriate social protection systems and measures and extend to the poor and vulnerable groups

SDG 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
2.3 Increase agricultural productivity and income of small food producers, especially women, indigenous people, family agriculturists, cattle herders, fishermen, including access to land resources and factors involved in imports for manufacturing, knowledge, financial services, markets, and opportunities for value-adding and employment
2.4 Ensure a sustainable food production system and operate in accordance with resilient agricultural practices to increase productivity and production, which will help preserve the ecosystem, strengthen the capacity to adapt to climate change, extreme weather, droughts, floods, and other disasters, and improve land and soil quality

SDG 8 Promote sustainable economic growth and employment for all
8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, creating decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, and promoting the emergence and growth of small and medium enterprises, including through access to financial services

SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and between countries
10.1 Achieving and sustaining income growth in the poor population

SDG 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
11.5 Reduce the number of deaths, the number of people affected and reduce the direct economic losses related to the world gross domestic product caused by disasters. This includes water-related disasters aimed at protecting the poor and those in vulnerable situations
Performance Against Goal
2030 Goal
250000To develop skills and promote jobs to generate income for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, agriculturists, and vulnerable groups throughout the supply chain
Progress against goals
Remarks: since 2O22, the report covers the retail business and the management of the rental space in the shopping center under the name "Lotus's"
Performance Summary 2023
To promote jobs to generate income
Number of SMEs
Classification by category
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Remark: Consumer products covered Agricultural products, community agricultural products
Purchase value

Number of farmers
Classification by category
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Purchase value

Number of vulnerable groups
Classification by category
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The value of employment and income generation

The categories of support

Charitable Donations

Community Investments

Commercial Initiatives
The forms of support

Cash Contributions

Time: Employee Volunteering during Paid Working Hours

In-kind Giving

Management Overheads
Local employment

Employment of local workers

Create employment for communities

Number of employed elders
Scholarships for youths and the underprivileged in the community
Local products, and support funds small entrepreneurs |
2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Small entrepreneurs |
100 |
223 |
376 |
Local Product purchase value |
0.47 |
14.92 |
18830 |
Remark : The definition/scope of 'community' as defined by the Company denotes individuals, groups, entrepreneurs, youth, and vulnerable groups within the vicinity of important Company operational areas 1) Surrounding 7-Eleven stores within a radius of not more than 5 kilometre 2) CP ALL Distribution centers within a radius of 5-1O kilometre 3) Makro and Lotus's Distribution centers and manufacturing within a radius of 5-1O kilometre |
Risks and Opportunities
The global population faces rapid and complex changes, including business innovation, new market trends, natural changes, and climate conditions, population growth, migration, as well as quality of life and health issues. These changes contribute to social inequality, particularly affecting low-income and vulnerable groups who lack access to educational opportunities, financial resources, or career opportunities. Access to quality housing environments and healthcare services also plays a significant role. The level of social inequality tends to increase if businesses and industries operate without regard for the basic rights of communities surrounding the supply chain. For instance, retail and wholesale businesses conduct market analysis and decision-making without considering social and environmental contexts and impacts, such as price-cutting strategies, uncontrolled pollution from production or transportation, etc. These actions can create concerns and conflicts between companies and small businesses or community enterprises in the area, leading to loss of trust and long-term cooperation from the community.
Therefore, the Company aims to be part of reducing social inequality. Organizations need to undergo "Transformative Change" or adapt their business practices to align with listening to feedback, being aware of business activities that may impact or pose risks to community's quality of life. This not only increases opportunities to create skilled and knowledgeable local business partnerships but can also lead to new business models. The Company believes that economic growth and social change lean on collaborative efforts from all sectors: business, government, and civil society. This collaboration enables all sectors to move forward and cope with every change together in the long run.
Management Approach
The Company aims to support the well-being of communities through its 3-pronged strategy of "providing sales channels, providing knowledge development, and providing connections" under its "Corporate Social Responsibility Policy." The Company's operational guidelines, targets, and key indicators focus on supporting essential skills and knowledge for vocations, providing diverse income-generating opportunities, as well as managing areas and environments effectively to mitigate negative impacts and risks. This encompasses various groups such as farmers, SMEs, as well as socially vulnerable groups, which aims to continuously generate positive outcomes for the community in both the short term and long term. For instance, establishing 7 SME support centers, promoting comprehensive management systems for entrepreneurs throughout the business lifecycle (SME Journey Line), supporting agricultural and community products through procurement, sales channel creation, sales area support, sales stimulation activities, and knowledge transfer seminars, among others.
Furthermore, the Company supports local employment and participates in community relief activities, as well as listens to feedback from the community through the organization's grievance channel, aiming to build relationships, reduce concerns, and create mutual value, enabling sustainable self-development and resilience.
The Company establishes continuous engagement with stakeholders, along with a process for monitoring and reviewing the social value creation activities to achieve short-term and long-term goals. By 2O3O, data can be collected to develop Company policies and future action plans, ensuring business operations can genuinely create social value and support the local economy.
Enhancing skills, expanding opportunities, and generating income for SMEs, community enterprises, farmers, and vulnerable groups
The Company operates under the "Giving and Sharing" plan to narrow the gap and mitigate the impact of increasing social changes. The Company also continuously supports SMEs, farmers, community enterprises, and vulnerable groups under the strategies of "Providing Sales Channels," "Providing Knowledge for Development," and "Providing Connections," as well as collaborating with government and private sector organizations to provide assistance and relief during emergencies to society and communities. In 2O23, the following projects were implemented:
3-Pronged Strategy of Providing

“Providing sales channels”

“Providing knowledge for development”

“Providing connections”
1. Providing sales channels: increasing sales opportunities and expanding growth opportunities
Sourcing capable SMEs and community enterprises to enter distribution channels both offline and online, including 7-Eleven stores continuation project
CP ALL, in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Promotion (DIP), carries out a project to promote and develop capable entrepreneurs and community enterprises to enter the modern trade market, providing in-depth consultation and business matching. This project also includes online seminars on entrepreneur readiness preparation, such as in product standards, packaging design, pricing, and product innovation. The objective is to create opportunities for product distribution in 7-Eleven stores, both online and offline.
Impact and Benefits

Number of entrepreneurs and community enterprises participating in the project

Number of products the Company promotes through both online and offline sales channels

Purchase value
Case Studies
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NSL Foods Co., Ltd. |
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Tofusan Co., Ltd. |
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Siam Rungruang Food and Bakery Co., Ltd. |
"Promotion and Development of Community Enterprise, Farmers, and Small Business Owners" (ALL SME MARKET PLACE) continuation project
CP ALL supports products and goods from farmers and communities, creating sales opportunities and increasing income for the community through the ALL SME MARKET PLACE platform. It is a SAFETY NET network, providing a special space for Thai SMEs to open up distribution channels for local entrepreneurs, farmer groups, SMEs, vulnerable groups, and educational institutions. It serves as a collective marketplace for various community products within the country, aiming to enhance income distribution in grassroots economic groups, such as OTOP products, GI products, local products, agricultural products, etc. Additionally, it supports the promotion of entrepreneurial knowledge development, aiming to elevate local community products to international standards, preparing them for sustainable entry into wider markets. This includes promoting community products and agricultural goods to become more widely known. This ongoing project, now in its third year, involves various initiatives as follows:
Impact and Benefits

Number of entrepreneurs and community enterprises participating in the project

Number of products promoted by the Company for sales channels, both online and offline

Purchase value
Support local products in Lotus’s stores continuation project
Lotus’s serves as a distribution channel for community enterprises and SMEs from 200 communities nationwide through its branches and online platform. In 2023, there were locally produced products sold in Lotus’s stores: 25,891 products in 2,300 branches, amounting to spending on Lotus's local products worth 18,800 million Baht.
“Makro "Standing by Thai Farmers" supports farmers and agricultural products from agricultural groups continuation project
Makro supports agricultural products and produce from farmers and local entrepreneurs, alongside developing the capacity of suppliers to elevate food production standards, ensuring the quality and safety of products while promoting sustainable and stable income generation.
Guidelines for supporting agricultural products | |
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Various meat products
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Poultry, eggs and milk
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Seasonal fruits
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Vegetables and local vegetables
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Impact and Benefits

Supporting throughout the year

Supporting agricultural produce from farmers during the fruit seasons continuation project
Lotus’s helps Thai farmers reduce issues such as oversupply or low prices of agricultural produce, while also creating sustainable income. In 2023, Lotus’s supports proactive fruit management policy of the Department of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce. Lotus’s serves as a distribution channel for high-quality seasonal fruits to farmers through over 2,300 branches nationwide, as well as through online platforms.
Impact and Benefits

Purchased seasonal fruits weighing over

Distributed seasonal fruits from more than

Generated income for farmers totaling over
Direct product sourcing from farmers (Non Khwao Model) continuation project
The Direct Sourcing project generates fair and stable income for farmers, raises cultivation standard through cooperation with government agencies including the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and local government agencies, and aims to enable efficient cultivation management among farmers and gain bargaining power through encouraging local farmer unionization according to the government's large-scale agricultural policy. In 2018, Ban Non Khwao Farmers Group, Don Han Subdistrict, Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province gathered together under the Non Khao Model which focuses on market principles to lead production. A Lotus’s farm manager operates closely with farmers and government agencies in elevating agricultural product quality and safety standards. Planting and purchasing are planned according to the marketing-led production policy, which additionally involves support for opportunities to distribute agricultural products within the Lotus's network. Lotus’s currently utilizes 4 main farm models in all 4 regions of Thailand, thereby creating careers in addition to fair and stable incomes for over 1,700 persons. Working closely with farmers in the Farm Model enables control and product oversight in terms of safety and quality standards through sourcing information and delivery of high quality fresh vegetables to customers.
Currently, Lotus’s purchases 25 varieties of vegetables from farmers in Ban Non Khwao, which consists of over 153 persons covering an area of more than 400 rai, at over 15 tonnes per month, and thus generates an extra income per household of 0.78 million Baht per month.
Impact and Benefits

Number of farmers from all regions participating in the project

Agricultural products purchase volume

Purchase value
The Royal Project has continually purchased produce
Lotus’s has a cooperation with Royal Project Foundation for more than 28 years, promoting livelihoods and sustainable income for hill tribe farmers. This includes assisting customers and the public in accessing high-quality fresh vegetables and fruits at affordable prices.
CP ALL Giving Space continuation project (for those with general disabilities)
CP ALL allocates space in 7-Eleven stores to organizations for people with disabilities and vulnerable groups, providing readiness and products at no cost. This project runs for the 4th consecutive year. This serves as a distribution channel for various products from groups of people with disabilities, caregivers, and vulnerable groups, contributing to sustainable income generation and quality of life improvement. In 2023, the space in front of stores was allocated to a total of 12 organizations for people with disabilities and vulnerable groups, with 5,041 accumulated participants.
Promote Freelancers through Market Fairs Project
Lotus’s, in collaboration with the Department of Employment, Ministry of Labor, organized a flea market activity to promote freelance works at Lotus’s South Pattaya branch, Chonburi province. The initiative supports job opportunities, income enhancement, and ignites ideas for occupations. The objective is to provides avenues for product distribution to help generate income for home-based workers, providing opportunities for them to be self-reliance and improve the quality of life. In this activity, Lotus’s supported retail space for product distribution to 5 groups of home-based workers, including:
Support was provided to 30 home-based workers, with an expenditure value of 5,000 Baht.
2. Providing knowledge for development: Developing appropriate entrepreneurial skills that align with the issues and needs
SMEs Journey Line

New Friend
(General operator)

Close Friend
(SME Suppliers)

True Friend
(High growth and well-prepared entrepreneurs and suppliers)
7 SME Support Center continuation project
CP ALL drives the 7 SME Support Center, aiming to develop the capabilities of entrepreneurs in various aspects to create sustainable income growth.
knowledge or production process development courses
Business structure
upgrade quality standards of community products to entrepreneurs
links to university networks and affiliated unitswith available support tools/equipment
Product and sales channels
Supporting other well-known products groups into new sales channels
In 2023, the 7 SME Support Center project, together with the Product Development and Quality Assurance Office (PDQA), collaborated with the Sustainable Development Division of Charoen Pokphand Group, Nan Province, to visit agricultural processing groups and community enterprises. They visited raw material sources, production facilities, exchanged experiences, and discussed operational perspectives. Additionally, they listened to community enterprise issues to find solutions for product development and then together solving those problems. This support for community enterprise group includes participating in consultations at the center and studying through the SMEs Sustainable Development project.
Impact and Benefits

Number of farmers and entrepreneurs supported by the project

Total value of project support: Over
ALL Food Tech
The objective is to help improve the quality of SMEs products through quality certification, increasing sales opportunities, ALL Food Tech supports entrepreneurs with testing and analysis services in a laboratory operating under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standards, an internationally recognized laboratory standard. The center operates according to the criteria set by the Product Development and Quality Assurance Office, CP ALL. This ensures:
Customer confidentiality and privacy protection
Personnel working impartially, competently, and according to management systems
Quality control and monitoring standards, with periodic reviews to prevent appropriate risks
Verifying the usability of the method. and select appropriate methods for sample analysis
Usage of modern and standardized equipment with regular calibration
Consistent testing proficiency
Quality control of test results
Have a control of testing outcomes and approval before each release
Services are provided in 4 main areas, as follows:
ALL Food Tech
Providing testing services in microbiology and chemistry, such as examining chemical residues in products
Food Ingredient Innovation Center (FIIC)
Center for Development and Consultation on raw materials and products, and providing consultation on menu development
Consultation center for food recipe development
Led by a team of expert chefs specializing in technical aspects of industrial-level recipe development, including both specialized recipes and Thai, Chinese, and international cuisines
Sensory Evaluation Center
Providing sensory testing services for food products, including consultancy services tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs to ensure compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and food safety principles
This includes educational guidance on product shelf life and occupational health consultancy services aimed at assisting entrepreneurs in various areas. The focus is on reducing expenses by conducting product testing. This enables entrepreneurs to develop diverse products sustainably and efficiently. Additionally, a guidance service on workplace health characteristics is provided to ensure the creation of safe, standardized products that can confidently enter the market, thereby ensuring the stability and sustainability of businesses. In 2023, 114 participating entrepreneurs.
Promoting, developing capabilities and providing advice to SMEs entrepreneurs
Business Accelerator continuation project
The Company, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand, is preparing entrepreneurs to expand their business into modern trade channels through video conference systems (VDO Conference). Experts are ready to provide them guidance and deliver essential knowledge for business operations over a period of 4 months. Additionally, there were business pitching activities to persuade investors and simulate presenting products to various modern trade platforms. This project aims to strengthen and create opportunities for market expansion and to expand the network of partnerships for business members. In its third cohort, the project has 60 entrepreneurs participated.
Big Brother, Season 7 continuation project
The Big Brother project, in collaboration with Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand, along with more than 22 Big Brothers or mentoring organizations, together support Thai entrepreneurs to sustainably conduct business effectively.
In its 7th year, the project has gathered results from all participating companies, totaling 54 companies. From the participation, it was found that 39 entrepreneurs (72%) were able to assess the value of increased revenue and profit. This can be calculated as a total economic value of 961.72 million Baht.
SMEs Service Solution Center continuation project
The project provided consultation to entrepreneurs and product manufacturers regarding production processes, capital, and business development knowledge. In 2023, consultation was offered to SMEs through various programs including SME DBank, SME Biz Up, DIPROM, and SME Service Solution Center, totaling 50 SMEs participated.
In addition, the Company provides connection services for both internal and external agencies which grants SMEs access to business support benefits under 7 SME Support Center operations comprising project support from Department of Industrial Promotion (DIP), Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP), Innovation and technology assistance program (ITAP) under the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), National Innovation Agency (NIA), including special service fee discounts from Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), CP ALL Food Tech, ALL Now and PIM Food Academy, etc.
Grocery Market Fairs continuation project
Makro places great importance on its mission to promote and support retail businesses and SMEs in all aspects, especially grocery markets, which are crucial to the Thai economy. Throughout the 34-year history, the Company has developed knowledge and created a new era of grocery stores through the True Friend Grocery Store project, collaborating with over 500,000 small retail grocery stores nationwide. Acting as a hub of knowledge and technology, the Company provides techniques for store management to develop into Smart Grocery stores. These stores not only meet the changing needs of modern consumers but also retain the charm of being community centers as before. Additionally, the Company offers pre-packaged retail solutions that are simple, efficient, and profitable through the Community Retail Store and True Friend Grocery Store models. In 2023, the Company organized the Grocery Store Market under the concept of "Friendland: The Smart Grocery Store Land", gathering knowledge to facilitate the easy, convenient, and rapid success of small grocery stores, through the "3S Strategy", which includes:
In 2023, there were 36,483 Grocery entrepreneurs participating in the event.
MAKRO HORECA ACADEMY (MHA), a comprehensive mentoring program for restaurant entrepreneurs continuation project
The Company supports small-scale entrepreneurs under the main mission of the MHA project to be mentors for new entrepreneurs and foster growth in the HORECA business group - Hotels, Restaurants, and Catering businesses. This is achieved through providing knowledge in management and professional culinary skills both offline and online. It includes comprehensive culinary training courses covering every step, from ingredient preparation to recipe creation, financial management, as well as marketing and advertising techniques. This aims to provide convenience for participants to learn anytime, anywhere, while also providing benefits to increase income opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Impact and Benefits

A total of MHA members participating

Over on Facebook

Over from all channels

Participation in online curriculums
Lotus's SMART SME Intensive Training Program, elevating SME entrepreneurs towards franchising
Lotus’s, in collaboration with PMG Corporation Co.,Ltd., has designed the special course "Lotus's SMART SME" to empower SMEs towards franchising. This aims to elevate knowledge in franchise business expansion. Additionally, the program supports rental spaces for small-scale entrepreneurs within Lotus’s, for over 2,300 Lotus’s branches nationwide, including online channels. This support enables entrepreneurs to enter modern trade markets, providing opportunities to participate in business matching activities. Moreover, the program facilitates the collaboration with both governmental and private sector partners to establish a multidimensional network for entrepreneurial development, aligning with Lotus's commitment to becoming a platform of opportunity for SME entrepreneurs to grow sustainably together.
Impact and Benefits

Entrepreneurs who have completed the Lotus’s SMART SME intensive training program for SMEs towards franchising:

Rental spaces for small-scale entrepreneurs within over
Elevating production standards for agricultural products project
CP ALL organized an online seminar for SMEs agricultural product entrepreneurs to enhance production standards through knowledge sharing from experts in various topics, including:
In 2023, there were 200 farmers and entrepreneurs participated
The "Learning Together with the Community" project under agricultural field trip activities
CPRAM Co., Ltd., in collaboration with the Agricultural Learning Center, promotes knowledge and professions to agricultural groups and communities in Pathum Thani, Lamphun, Khon Kaen, and Surat Thani. This is achieved through educational field trips focusing on economic wood, 9-level crop cultivation, fruit orchards, animal husbandry, processing and packaging, and seedling nurseries following the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. The aim is to enhance knowledge in cultivation, garden management, and proper fruit packaging, enabling farmers to apply the knowledge and experiences gained and adapt them for future use. In 2023, there were 97 participants in the project.
PlukRak Project
CPRAM Co., Ltd., through the Agricultural Learning Center, provides agricultural learning resources to serve as academic sources, enriching knowledge and vocational skills for communities under the PlukRak project. This is achieved through knowledge transfer activities such as safe vegetable planting and soilless plant cultivation in communities in Pathum Thani, Khon Kaen, Lamphun, and Surat Thani. The aim is to promote agricultural knowledge and enhance planting skills. In the 2023, there were 115 participants in the activities.
3. Providing connections
Synergy and Business matching continuation project
The project promotes business matching to assist SMEs in growing and elevating their products to a national level. It selects SMEs that are committed to product development to participate in the project, aiming to improve production process safety standards, factory standards, develop product formulas for longer shelf life, as well as packaging development and support product distribution through 7-Eleven stores nationwide.
In 2023, the Company supported SMEs in business expansion, providing opportunities and guidance through business matching with over 300 products. Examples include business matching between Ban Don Thong Enterprise, V Farm, and 7-Eleven, collaborating to develop unique, delicious, high-quality, and standardized product recipe, resulting in fried golden bananas, a product under the brand V Farm Ta-Kra. This has created business opportunities for SMEs, pushing for 5-star OTOP products from the Ban Don Thong community enterprise group, and introducing crispy fried golden bananas to the local snack market.
Standing alongside the community and Thai society
The "Public Spirit: Community Development and Relationship Building" continuation project
The Company supports community involvement based on the 3 Benefits Principle: listening to and analyzing the needs of nearby communities within a radius within 5 kilometers, and responding to these needs through 6 main activities, including:
Impact and Benefits

Number of employee participants

Number of volunteering hours

Number of community participants

Volunteering budget
The 7-Eleven Stamp Bunnithi Project for Community Welfare in All Regions
CP ALL organized the campaign "7-Eleven Stamp for Fun, BROWN & MINIONS" where 7-Eleven stamps, besides being used as discounts instead of cash or exchanged for premium items, can also be used to donate to charitable causes for the community. Doing good deeds for 24 hours through the "The 7-Eleven Stamp Bunnithi Project for Community Welfare in All Regions" project, by placing stamps on posters in 7-Eleven stores or donating M-Stamps via the 7App application to support charitable causes in 4 areas:
In 2023, the total donation of stamps for community welfare amounted to more than 6.01 million Baht.
Building relationships and providing disaster relief to the community continuation project
Impact and Benefits

Number of trained people

Number of rescue agencies supported

Number of victims provided access to food and water

Support Budget
In addition, CPRAM Co., Ltd., in the CP ALL group, collaboration with the Chao Phraya Surasak Municipality and Ban Nong Pru School (Chonburi), organized the "CPRAM Safety to School" project to promote safety awareness in schools. This initiative aimed to provide knowledge to teachers and students on basic firefighting, fire prevention, and evacuation procedures to reduce the risk of accidents in schools. The program also aimed to raise awareness of safety, occupational health, and environmental issues in the school through booths providing information on safety and the environment. In 2023, a total of 1,176 participants joined the activity.
Heart of Hearing continuation project
The Company conducted a project to provide vocational training and support coffee brewing skills to high school students with hearing impairments, aiming to offer them career options in the coffee industry. This is the 4th consecutive year of the project.
In 2023, the project continued to provide both theoretical and practical training in basic coffee brewing techniques to students and teachers from Schools for the Deaf. A total of 203 participants attended the training sessions. Furthermore, the project promoted continuous skill development by organizing the YOUNG BARISTA CAMP 2023 competition for hearing-impaired students. Representatives from 4 schools, with 7 students each, participated in the competition after receiving training.
From Mistakes to Career Prospects continuation project
The project offers an opportunity to open up career paths in the coffee and bakery industry for those who have wandered in the wrong path in life. This initiative is conducted at The Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection, the Ministry of Justice, in a total of 6 locations. The aim is to prepare them before reintegrating into society. Additionally, the "A Better Life” project facilitates the return of these individuals home and welcomes them to work through the establishment of prototype shops serving as vocational training centers. One such shop is Bellini, the Ministry of Justice branch, designed to train youth under the Department of Juvenile Observation, now in its 7th cohort. In 2023, a total of 3 cohorts were organized, with 2 participants each, who were subsequently employed at company branches. Furthermore, opportunities were expanded to include Bellini branches in Chiang Mai, with 2 participants expected to undergo training in 2024.
CPRAM We Care continuation project: Caring for the community
CPRAM (Ladkrabang) delivers well-being through delivering survival bags for vulnerable groups, disadvantaged groups, and low-income groups within the factory vicinity in addition to organizing public-minded activities, developing and maintaining religious sites, and providing lunch to students and surrounding communities for the 4th consecutive year.
Impact and Benefits

Number of donation recipients within the community vulnerable group

Number of employees participants

Support budget
“Enhancing Career, Generating Income for the Communities” continuation project Year 4
CPRAM Co., Ltd. (Lat Krabang) has opened a sales area for the community through the "Enhancing Career, Generating Income for the Community" project, now in its 4th year. This initiative invites communities around the Lat Krabang Industrial Estate, totaling 7 communities, to participate in selling their products. The products brought by these communities for sale are supported by CPRAM, creating job opportunities and income for the community over the past 4 years. CPRAM Co., Ltd., (Lat Krabang) initiated this project to promote increased income for people in the community and provide additional distribution channels for their products. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for employees within the organization, affiliated companies, and surrounding residents to purchase products from the community. Additionally, this project helps foster good relationships with the community and surrounding companies. In 2023, there were 40 participants in the activity, generating more than 49,300 Baht in income for the community.
Promoting agricultural careers for vulnerable groups project
CPRAM Co., Ltd. (Khon Kaen), in collaboration with Charoen Pokphand Group and True Corporation Public Company Limited, organized training sessions to provide knowledge on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and agricultural raw material management before delivery. This training is for vulnerable groups at the Thai Association of the Blind (Northeastern Central Branch). Examples of raw materials include red bird's eye chili, shallots, Thai garlic, and spring onions. All to be according to GMP standard. These CPRAM (Ladkrabang) delivers well-being through delivering survival bags for vulnerable groups, disadvantaged groups, and low-income groups within the factory vicinity in addition to organizing public-minded activities, developing and maintaining religious sites, and providing lunch to students and surrounding communities for the 4th consecutive year. Number of donation recipients within the community vulnerable group 167 persons Number of employees participants 147 persons Support budget 107,192 Baht Impact and Benefits agricultural raw materials shall enter CPRAM's ready-to-eat food production process. Examples of these products include pork basil rice, chicken basil with fried egg rice, pork larb with sticky rice, stir-fried fish with fresh chili peppers, and stir-fried thick noodles with pork in soy sauce, among others, sold in 7-Eleven stores in the Northeastern region. In 2023, the volume of raw material procurement was 134 tonnes, with a total value of 13.8 million Baht.
Creating Jobs, Building Career Project
Makro focuses on creating employment opportunities through strategies that support three areas: 1) Hiring through all departments within Makro's business, 2) Job creation for vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities and prisoners, and 3) Increasing income for farmers, SMEs, and contractors for Makro. In 2O23, the Company organized recruitment and vocational training activities for:
Healthy Aging Project
Lotus’s, in collaboration with the Department of Older Persons, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, organized the "Healthy Aging" activity to expand opportunities for the elderly nationwide to receive vocational training. The objective is to generate income for themselves and their families, and utilize their free time productively. In 2023, the activity was held five times at various locations: Lotus’s Hat Yai branch in Songkhla province, West Gymnasium 5 Bangkok Youth Center (Thai-Japan), Lotus’s South Pattaya branch in Chonburi province, Lotus’s Hang Dong branch in Chiang Mai province, and Lotus’s Nakhon Pathom branch in Nakhon Pathom province. Within these events, there were speakers sharing knowledge along with facilitating workshops for the elderly, including courses on healthy beverages and healthy food.
Impact and Benefits

Support for a group of elderly people, totaling

Building skills and providing vocational training for the elderly to enable them to have jobs

Total expenditure